
Bearquarter's Toy Story 2: Act 3 (Pt. 1)

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Meanwhile, at the video game aisle, Mabel, Waddles, Ford and Dani were looking through stuff, when suddenly, they crossed paths with a plush toy. He had tan skin, brown hair, a unibrow, a sleeveless shirt with a lightning bolt on it, jeans, and baseball shoes. He’s about the same body size as Wolfgang. His name was Ludwig.

“Hey!” Ludwig exclaimed. “What are you doing?”

“Well, we’re looking for our friend.” Mabel then said.

“You must be this ‘Mabel’ I heard about from Sherman and Arnold right before your friend got fixed. You must be looking for them.” Ludwig then said.

“Yeah!” Mabel then said, happily.

“Meet me at Mr. Worthington’s office.” Ludwig then said.

In the office, the toys, both Trent’s toys and Evan’s toys, at least most of them, have found the place. After leaving Pacifica Northwest, they begin searching the place in hopes to find Sherman.

“Hey Sherman!” Gene looked in the box.

“It’s empty, idiot.” Gumball said, leaving.

"Sherman!" SpongeBob calls out. He then sees two punching toys, Optimus Prime and Megatron.

“Excuse me, Gentlemen, have you seen a toy with a bad arm?” Spongebob said to the 2 toys.

“No, I haven’t.” Megatron then said.

“HEY! He was talking to me.” Optimus yelled.

“No, he was talking to me!!” Megatron yelled.

“Why you….” The two punching toys threw punches at each other like mad. However Megatron's head soon popped up, losing the fight.

"Hey!" A voice called out. It came from Edmund, who was with the Hey Arnold! toys, excluding Helga, who went after Mabel.

"Who the heck are you guys?" Gumball asked.

"Those are the Hey Arnold toys, Gumball." Gene then said.

"Yeah, and I know where your friend is." Edmund then said.

"You do?" Gumball lightened up.

"Well, maybe you can take us to him." Soos then said.

"Oh, sure." Helga said, shrugging.

“You see, all along we thought the way into Dark Danny's fortress was through the main gate. But there’s a secret entrance in the left, hidden in the shadows, in fact.” Toothless said, explaining to UB Jimmy on how to defeat Dark Danny.

“A secret entrance in the left, hidden in the shadows, got it.” UB Jimmy said, tapping into his communicator.

“Are you dorkwads done yet? Because my friends know how to get your friend back.” Helga rolled her eyes, then she heard someone coming into the office.

“It’s Evan!” Gerald exclaimed.

“In the bag, now!” Arnold said, and all the toys ran into the backpack just as Evan Worthington and Mr. Worthington came in, with the son on a cell phone talking to the owner of the Japanese museum, Mr. Worthington went into his conference room, explaining to the other business men what’s going on.

“Okay, you don’t really care about the traffic details, it was bad, but I need your fax numbers so I can send the photos to you.” Evan said to Mr. Wasonasong.

"Very well. It's 011..." Mr. Wasanasong begins to explain.

"Slow down, slow down. 011..." Mr. Wasanasong said as Evan taps the fax numbers.

Evan frowns as he said, "Geez. That's a lot of numbers."

"Any problem with that?"

“Not really.”

While Evan taps the fax numbers, the hidden toys watch him. The UB Jimmy didn’t recognize him, but the others do.

“That’s him.” SpongeBob said, glaring.

“The monster.” Toothless shivered.

“That's the kidnapper, all right.” Gumball said.

“An agent of Bill Cipher if I ever saw one.” UB Jimmy said.

Meanwhile at the Jimmy Neutron Aisle, Jimmy managed to get himself on the ground and began to kick the box doors and began to try to get his wires loose.

Once Evan got all the fax numbers typed in, begins faxing pictures to Mr. Wasanasong. He smiles as he puts in Sherman's picture.

"And now, the main star." Evan chuckled as he scanned the picture. When the fax machine is done scanning it, the picture fell to the ground near the hidden toys. "I hope you enjoyed my collection. It will be the big show in your museum."

"That's him! That's Sherman!" gasped Mabel as she points at Sherman in the picture. But where is he?"

“Man, he knows how to take a picture.” Gerald then said.

"Yes, yes. I will take it!" Mr. Wasanasong said on the other end, excitedly. Then he spoke suspiciously, “Wait a minute, aren’t you a little young to be selling a Toy collection?”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“Do your parents know about it?”

Then, Evan looked sheepish. His parents have no idea that he’s doing this behind his father’s back. “Uh, yeah.”

"Well, just get your stuff here, and we have a deal!" Mr. Wasonasong nonchalantly replied.

"You mean..."

"If you can get your collection into Japan intact, then we're in buisiness. And I'll pay you anything you want, kid."

Evan, smiling happily and greedily, laughs madly. "Ha ha ha ha! You got it! It will be on the next flight to Tokyo! The bellboy will be there, right?"


"Thanks!" Evan then hangs up happily as he grabs his bag, not knowing that it’s full of toys. He has done it! His collection has been accepted!

His plan is simple, 1st, he has to get his things packed for the next flight to japan, then, he can get his cash, and all of his dad's problems with Wal Mart will be gone! No more competition with that store! No more falling behind!

He then said, “Finally, this store will be ahead in competition with Wal-Mart! And once Wal-Mart’s out of the picture, I’ll finally have my dad’s job saved! Then maybe I can save the store!”

Meanwhile in the Jimmy Neutron aisle, Jimmy got free from the wires, now that he's free, he has to get the imposter. He hears some cheering, causing him to take a peek out of the aisle.

He sees Evan running into view happily. He laughs, "I'm gonna be rich! Finally!"

"Son, the meeting's over. We can go home." The father then said. "And who were you talking to?"

"Uh, a friend?" The Son said, lying.

As the father and Son passes by, Jimmy gasps as he sees a familiar tail in the bag.

"Toothless!" Jimmy mumbled. That means the other toys and the UB Jimmy is with him. He’s got to go after Evan and not lose him.

Jimmy goes after them, but trips on something, the same bouncy balls that the toys caused to  spill all over the floor earlier this morning. The father and son came close to the opening doors.

Jimmy then climbs on a baseball bat and then lands near a trampoline, getting him to go near the wheelie and gets himself closer to the closing doors as the father and son left, he lets go of the wheelie and glides to the doors, but the door closes and ends up hitting the door and slides on the window before landing on his back.

He sits up and watches helplessly as Evan got in a car with the bag holding the toys and driving off. Even if he does get out of the store, Jimmy will never catch up to him now!

But then to his surprise, the car drives out into the traffic and drives to an apartment building on the other side, the same place Jimmy and his friends were at before.

"Wow, I didn't know he has a walking distance from his dad's store. He's a lucky kid." Jimmy said, confused. But then, he realized something, that’s where Sherman is at!!! But the main question is this: How is Neutron going to get out of the store?

He sees a stack of boxes and goes over to them. He pulls one box out, causing the other boxes to fall down. He gets out of the way in the nick of time as all the boxes landed on the mat, causing the doors to open because of all of the boxes.

“Nice!” Jimmy exclaimed, as he ran towards the door, but little did he know, he steps on a particular box on his way out. As Jimmy left, a box labeled “The Ultimate Enemy” kept stopping the doors.

Suddenly, a fist came through the box, allowing an action figure to break free. This action figure was the toy version of the CIA Apprenticiship Corps’ archenemy, Dark Danny Phantom himself.

The villain looks around wondering where he is. He spots Jimmy running to the cones he and the toys were in before.

His eyes narrow as he got up.

"It's time for your demise, Genius of Steel." Dark Danny then said in determination as he pursues Jimmy who has no idea of his presence.

Apartment parking lot:

As the father and son exited the car when the parked car was left, the toys came out of the bag.

"Boy howdy! He forgot us!" Sid the snitch then said. "What should we do?"

The rest of the toys came out of the bag.

"Grab on, guys!" UB Jimmy then said, pressing his wing button, his wings came out of the back. "Gotta blast!"

He prepares to blast off....only to find that he's not going anywhere. He then looks around, he's confused.

Gumball tries to get the door unlocked, UB Jimmy walked over to the unlock button, pressing his jetpack button, causing the wings to pop back in.

"What's going on? I must've lost energy." UB Jimmy asked, then, he leaned on the unlock button. The lock pushed up, launching a screaming Gumball into the air with his arms still holding it. He lands in the cup holder, upside down, making his face fall apart. Gene laughed.

The toys exited the car and noticed the tall building.

"It's at level 23 of the building. We'd have to sprout wings to reach that height!" Helga then said.

"We could disguise ourselves into a meal, I'd be the burger, Gumball would be mascot!" Gene then said.

"What about me?" Toothless asked.

"You'd be the prize toy that comes with the fries."

"Oh, and I'd like a double whopper with ketchup!" Harold said, getting Helga to roll her eyes.

"I have a better idea," UB Jimmy said, with all the toys going over to a grate and then, UB Jimmy pulls it off. It goes into the vent system. They found a way in. "It's like you said, Nightfury, lurk in the shadows, now let's move, people!" The toys then headed over to the elevator, or at least the elevator's shaft.

"Mission log. We have infiltrated enemy territory without detection...and are making our way through the bowels of Dark Danny's fortress." UB Jimmy spoke into his communicator.

"Is it me, or does your friend seem crazier than what you said about him?" Edmund then said, confused about Jimmy's behavior.

"Well, I guess that aisle got him excited more than usual." Dani then said.

"Wait, why are you helping? Aren't you part of their collection?" Gumball asked Gerald.

"Oh, come on. Do you know what it's like to be a collector's item, it's agitating!" Gerald replied. "We were received by Evan for his birthday in January 2002, and he never once played with us, he just treats us like an artist's painting in a museum!"

"All those years of being in storage were bad enough, but going to Tokyo, is only going to make things worse." Arnold then said.

"But where will you go?" Soos then asked, curious.

"Well, I guess this "Trent" will have to do." Arnold replied. "It wouldn't be fair for a boy being separated from his favorite toy."

Then, they all heard a noise.

"The walls are closing!!!" UB Jimmy exclaimed, then he lifted Gumball and tried to "slow down" the closing doors. "If we don't prop this catman, we're goners!"

"What are you, nuts? Let go of me!!!" Gumball then said, angrily.

"Jimmy, that's the elevator." Helga then said. The toys made it the shaft.

"I got an idea!" UB Jimmy then said. He takes out two magnet cuffs. The toys wonder what he is going to use with those. They found out as the utility belt Boy Genius jumps to the wall and uses the magnetic side to climb up.

"Hey, Jimmy? No offense, but maybe we should take the elevator. It will be easier." Edmund asked, looking at the elevator. It's true. The elevator is easier than climbing on the walls.

"Yeah, easier for them to get us! Now come on!" UB Jimmy called out.

"Nyaaah!" Harold exclaimed in fear. "Wait a minute! What am I doin'? You know I get dizzy in high places!"

"You're dizzy in low places! Grab that rope!" Wolfgang angrily said. "or....."

"Or what?" Harold then said, waving his hand in front of Wolfgang in a 3 Stooges esque manner. Wolfgang proceeded to poke Harold in the eyes. Harold yelped in pain. Unbeknownst to them, Jimmy was catching up to them.

"Don't worry, Sherman. I'm coming!" Mabel thought in her head, thinking about her lover.

Meanwhile in Evan's room, which is full of suitcases, Sherman and his friends were secretly excited. Evan and his father were getting things ready.

"Uh, son, whatever it is you're doing, what did you do this time?" Mr. Worthington asked.

"Okay, I might've accidentally been looking through the news, and I noticed that the Wasonasong Toy Museum in Tokyo is being opened, and a friend of mine knows a guy at the museum." Evan then said.

"So you're selling your toys? Why?" Mr. Worthington asked.

"I just want to make some money, that's all." Evan said, sheepishly. The father and son then walked out of the room, and Evan quietly mumbled, "I'm doing this to save this family business, if it's not going to be dad or mom, it's going to be me that puts this store in competition with Wal-Mart."

Then, the toys came to life. They are all excited. They are all together and now are going to Japan to be in a museum! 

"We are going! Isn't this great?" Cindy said, happily.

"You will be having fine custom-fitted foam insulation to sit in, Gompers." Goten then said chuckling with a smile. "We will be first class on here on in!"

"Wow. I am...excited! I really am!" Sherman laughed with a smile. A while ago, he wasn't interested but now, he is excited. If he can't go to the museum for himself, then for at least Cindy's sake.

"Well, why couldn't you be happy? You are going to be famous. First class citizens from now on!" Goten then chuckled happily.

As Cindy laughs, she got out of her foam and dances with Sherman saying, "This is fun, wow!" The toys begin to dance happily. "You dance well, Sherman!"

"Look! The box step!" laughed Goten as he tries his best to dance.

Minutes later, as they continue their climb up the elevator shaft with UB Jimmy above them, the toys are getting tired. They don't know it but this Jimmy is willing to take any chances.

"This is exhausting!" Helga said, exhausted.

"I told you we should've taken the elevator!" Edmund then said. "You can stop whining."

"Well, what can we expect from a toy that has a character that sounds like child version of Joan Cusack?" Mabel then said.

"Shut up!!" Helga shouted. Although, when voicing Helga, you can hear a little bit of child Joan Cusack in Francessca Smith's voice.

"I think it's safe to say that this was terrible idea." Ford then said.

Then, coins came out of Gene. "Look out below!!"

"Yeah! If I was really a human boy, I'd lose a lot of calories." Gene then said.

"I'm so tired! I'm hungry too!" Harold then said.

"How much longer is this thing?" Gerald then said.

These poor toy kids are getting tired. What's worse, is that Harold is getting tired, he tried to stretch out his arms but ends up slipping, causing the toys to hang on Stinky, who's got a good grip on the rope.

"Oh no! We're gonna die! Someone dictate my will! I'm giving it all to Waddles!" Mabel begged, annoying Helga.

UB Jimmy then pressed the button on his Utility Belt, getting ready to do something.

"Don't worry, guys! I'm going to let go of the wall!" Jimmy then said, prompting everyone to look up in fright.

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"DUDE! That is crazy!" Soos exclaimed.

"HE WOULDN'T!!!" Gumball said, worried.

"One......." UB Jimmy then said.

"He would..." Gene then said.

"Two......" UB Jimmy shouted.

The rest of the toys begged him not to do anything stupid, but he let go, shouting, "3!!!!!" too late.

They screamed as they plummet to the ground, but something broke their fall. The elevator from earlier was coming up at that moment, and coincidentally, Wolfgang, Edmund and Waddles were on it. Of course, the toys were piled up while the one who caused them to be like that didn't noticed as he "flies". To him, his utility belt seems to be working just fine. 

"Gotta Blast!" UB Jimmy shouted in determination. He grins as he sees a hole coming up. “Approaching destination, reestablishing gravity."

UB Jimmy presses the button off just as the elevator has stopped at its destination. He goes into the hole and looks around, making sure it was safe.

"Well, the coast is clear." UB Jimmy turns to see the toys recovering as they got up. He doesn't know what happened so he presumed they're sick. "Not to worry. The antigravity motion sickness effects will wear off momentarily. Now, let's move!"

As they continue following the fake Jimmy, Gumball shook his head mumbling, "Remind me to lock him in the car when we get home!"

"And I think he landed on my groin." Sid the snitch then said.

"Next time, maybe you should take the elevator!" Edmund taunted.

"Shut up." Helga angrily said, attempting to poke Edmund in the eyes, but she misses as he ducks, and Helga accidentally hits Stinky.

"Ha!" Edmund laughed, but he then got bonked on the head by Wolfgang.

"Thank you." Helga grinned.

Unknown to any of them, the real Jimmy is hanging onto the bottom of the elevator. Now it's time for them to catch up to the gang.

Meanwhile in the apartment room, Sherman's new best friends decided to do a little show. Sherman was in a box as he peeks out. "A little intro, my good gal."

Cindy then giggled, "Introducing the best, toughest, roughest 7-year old Cowboy in the world.

"Don't forget handsome and adorable!"

"Anyway, The best, toughest, roughest 7-year old Cowboy, Sherman Peabody!"

The boy then came out of the box, making clicks as if he was Leonardo DiCarprio. With a smirk, he smiles at Penny and Cindy.

"Hey, have you two seen any crooks anywhere?" Sherman said, talking like a sheriff.

"Well, not recently, but as long as you're around they won't cause trouble." Cindy said, playfully.

"Wait, Libby, Cindy, Carl, Wheezer, Mason, Sheen! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!" Sherman exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Libby exclaimed. The called toy kids entered the box.

"Help! They got me!" Libby exclaimed in a fake mock voice.

"I can't find my inhaler!!!" Carl Wheezer whined in a fake mock voice.

Sherman then pretends he is fighting the bad guys while everyone laughs and Goten watches. 

The toys came out with some foam peanuts yelling, "Sherman Peabody has saved the day once more!"

"Oh, Pud'n! You did it again!" Cindy exclaimed, playfully.

Gompers eagerly runs over and puts Sherman on him. The goat bucks up as Sherman yelled, "Ride like the wind, Gompers!" Of course, Sherman slips off.

Cindy went over to help Sherman up. The child toy chuckles as he said, "Careful. This may sound childish, but I'm a bit ticklish."

"Oh, tickling can beat ya, huh?" Cindy smirking devilishly. 

However, Sheen, Carl Wheezer, Carl, Mason, Libby, noticed that Penny wasn't excited, she was leaning towards the suitcase.

"Hey, Penny, is there something bugging you?" Sheen asked.

"I know it's not easy leaving a country. But Japan will be amazing." Mason then said.

"Well, it's not that, it's about what Goten said earlier. I mean, he's got a point, nothing lasts forever, but Trent's still a kid, that's not until he's at least a college kid." Penny then said. "Well, judging by what I heard, maybe this Trent kid isn't as bad as I'm hearing."

"But nothing lasts forever, Penny." Carl Wheezer then said.

"Yeah, but what if Trent comes back from camp and he notices Sherman's gone?" Penny asked.

"Well......." Libby then said. "I don't know. I mean can understand what you mean."

"And besides, even if Sherman wants to go to Japan, he'll only be a display piece. Maybe if I convince the others to come along to Trent's home." Penny then said.

Meanwhile, the toys were in the shaft, continuing their mission. Their "leader" checks around the place, and with a nod, the group continues on.

"Jimmy Neutron to CIA. We're getting close to Dark Danny's central deck but we still can't find the kidnapper or the one he is holding captive." UB Jimmy said into his communicator. "But notify the vigilante kid they call DexStar."

"Who are you talking to?" Helga asked, not knowing that she's talking to wrong Jimmy.

"The CIA. It's a long story." Jimmy then said.

The group runs down the tunnel until they reach the same grate Sherman closed when he changed his mind, but once the toys find out, it isn’t going to be pretty, I can promise you.

"Well, we're here." Arnold then said.

"Well, how are we gonna get the Crate moved?" Gerald asked, not knowing the Grate's unlocked.

However, they heard playful cheering, the group was concerned.

"Jimmy, can you see? What's going on?" Helga asked.

No, because he can't see the grate. But he then notices Gumball, and he takes it out and holds it out into the room.

"Left." Gumball then said to UB Jimmy.

UB Jimmy nodded turns the eye carefully. He then aims it better.

Gumball took a look at the situation via his eye. He's not sure but it looks like something is happening. He is not sure but it looks like some toys are chasing Sherman, when they're really excited.

"Higher." Gumball insisted, worried.

"What's happening?" UB Jimmy asked.

"Oh no! It's horrible! They're chasin' him!!"

Toothless gasped in horror. They got to do something.

"I knew Cindy was mad, I didn't think she'd be this furious!" Helga said, concerned.

"Uh, guys..." Arnold then said, calmly, trying to get everyone settled down.

"Jimmy, what should we do?!" Toothless begged.

"Have you ever heard of the phrase, "Use your head"?" UB Jimmy asked, with a nod. Mabel immediately smiled as soon as she heard that. But Toothless was confused.

Unfortunately for Toothless, UB Jimmy meant that literally, and by that, everyone was running for the grate, using Toothless as a battering ram.

"BUT I DON'T WANNA USE MY HEAD!!" Toothless shouted in fright. Everyone screamed as if they were going to battle, except for Toothless, who screamed in fear, unaware the grate wasn't locked.

The toys run through the grate, right into the room. The Nicktoons' Roundup toys stop the playing as UB Jimmy and the toys rushed by and crashed. Sherman looks up and sees his old friends in a pileup.

"What's going on?!" Goten then said, confused.

"Wait, Arnold? Gerald?" Libby asked.

"Jimmy, guys! Hey, how did you find me?!" Sherman exclaimed, but then Trent's toys and Evan's Hey Arnold! collection charged at everyone, prompting a fight to begin.

"Whoa, guys! Stop!" Sherman exclaimed. "What's goin' on?"

"We're here to spring you, Sherman!!" SpongeBob then said, then, Gene tackled Goten's box.

Gene angrily said, "I hope you know Kung-Fu! Because you're about to learn the Medium rare!"

"Time for you to meet Mr. Angry Eyes!" Gumball said, placing his extra tail in his left eye, running blindly to the wall, much to Dani's embarrasment.

"Guys! Stop!"

Then, SpongeBob and Cindy got into a tangled mess. "Grab Sherman and his new friends and let's go!"

UB Jimmy grabbed Sherman and Penny and the toys were about to head back to the elevator, but then.....

"Stop right there!" yelled a familiar face.

The group gasped as they looked surprised and confused. They looked from the Jimmy they got to the one in front of them.

"Jimmy?!" exclaimed the toys but the UB Jimmy in the room. There are now two Jimmies!

"What? You?" UB Jimmy angrily, he came over and confront himself, literally. "So, breaking ranks wasn't good enough for you, eh? You want to interfere in this mission?"

"Hey, I came to see my friends and they look good BTW." Jimmy said with a smirk.

"Okay, what is this?" asked Sherman puzzled looking at the two. "Which one's the Real Jimmy?"

"I AM!!" Both Jimmies replied.

"Don't listen to this doppelganger, he came from the Dark Matter Dimension!" UB Jimmy said, Jimmy then took his Counterpart's "Heat Ray Glasses" and threw them across the room. UB Jimmy ran as quickly as possible in a panicking mood. Jimmy then lifted his foot, the one that had Trent's name on it. All of Trent's toys gathered around and greeted Jimmy, apologizing. Sherman then noticed Ford.

"Who's this guy?" Sherman asked.

"Greetings, the name's Ford Pines. Kid Plushie. I spent most of my life in Habitat for Humanity, waiting to be bought. I knew that it isn't fair to see a toy separated from his owner, and I knew what that's like. But the biggest question is what should we do with the other Jimmy?"

Jimmy smiles as he said, "I'll take care of this." Coming over to the other Jimmy, he whispered, "On second thought, We got a code 2308 here."

UB Jimmy's eyes widen as he said, "You mean it's.."


"And he's..." UB Jimmy said looking at Sherman.

"Oh yeah." Jimmy said, smiling.

UB Jimmy chuckles as he hugged Sherman surprising him. He lets go saying, "Whoa! Your majesty! I have no idea what this was! Please forgive me for this!"

"Uh...okay?" Penny said, uneasily.

"Don't worry about him. He won't be a problem anymore." said Jimmy with a smile.

"Oh, thanks."

"But there is still another problem though. We got to get out of here. You are in big danger!" Mabel then said. "That ignoramus Evan is going to see you to a toy museum in Japan!"

Hearing that, Sherman laughs as he said, "Relax. I got it covered, Jimmy. To be honest, I'm all set to go there."

"What?" asked Trent's toys surprised.

"Okay, have you lost it?" Gerald then said rolling his eyes. They went all this way to rescue him from the Wasonasong Toy Museum and now he actually wants to go there?

"Wait, now you want to go there?" Helga said, surprised and betrayed.

"Yeah, It will be like living in a high class apartment in Seattle." Sherman said. "Why do you look surprised, I thought you'd be happy that I made the right choice."

Penny was overhearing this, and she was concerned. She felt as if Sherman is going to make a mistake!

"I know this sounds crazy, but the fact is, I'm this rare doll, in fact, I used to have a TV show in the 1990's on Nickelodeon. These are the Round up cast. I know you met part of the Nicktoons Roundup cast already." said Sherman motioning to everyone except Trent's toys.

"Uh...what are you talking about? I know you had a show in the 50's but I never heard of this." Jimmy asked, puzzled. Jimmy has his own TV show, that's true. But Sherman's show aired during the 50's, not the 90's!

"Come on! Nicktoons' Roundup??? It's this great show that was on years before your movie came along, Jimmy! Sherman's the main star, see?" Cindy turns the TV on showing some clips from Nicktoons' Roundup. Trent's toys watch, puzzled and a bit surprised. "See? That's him!"

"And that's why Evan stole him in the first place, because his show was a phenomenon during the late 90's before Jimmy's movie was released." Helga then said.

Without a clue, UB Jimmy decides to go with the PS118 toys and the Roundup toys, and with a nonchalant shrug, UB Jimmy nonchalantly says, "Well that makes sense."

"Well, that explains a lot." Gene then said. "Was it just as big as a Super Bowel?"

"Bigger!" Libby said.

"Impossible!" Gene said.

"My show was a national phenomenon that has a lot of merchandise! Oh, you should've seen it.There was a record player and a yo-yo, and the best part, my show won Emmy Awards, Annie Awards, the movie even won Academy Awards!!!" Sherman said, excited. "I was a star, Jimmy! A star!"

"Was....." Gumball said rolling his eyes. Despite this insult, Gumball does have a good point. The past is in the past.

"Sherman, let's go and end this. We can talk about your show later." Jimmy then said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, and Trent's going to be real upset if you don't come home." Ford then said.

"I'm sorry, I can't go." Sherman said, sadly.

"What?" Mabel said, sadly shocked. "But Sherman, Trent's coming home on Sunday, that's a few days from now. Things aren't the same without you."

"Listen, you have to understand that the Roundup Gang has been in storage for so long." Cindy then said, apologetically.

"She's right. I don't have a choice anymore." Sherman said, sadly.

"That's a lie, it's always been your choice, you chose to go to the museum, chose to betray us, and now you're choosing to let Trent down. The only person that's doing this is you." Helga then said.

"Well, what am I supposed to do? Go back home and be outgrown and let my friends go back into storage??" Sherman said, angrily raising his arms.

Sherman sighs as he said, "Guys, as much as I wanna come back home, I can't turn my back on them." He points to his new friends as he continues, "If I do, they'll go back into storage, for who knows how long? They need me so they can get into the museum."

"Ouch. That's a deal breaker, Sherman." Ford sighed.

"How do you know?" Cindy asks skeptically.

"I had a friend that was in this situation before. He learned the hard way that his owner was going to outgrow him, he took off immediately. You're making the same mistake he's doing. You feel trapped, so you must find balance, Sherman." Ford then said, stunning Sherman.

"He's right, Sherman, I have no idea what has gotten into you, but if you think you're going to Japan and abandon your owner, then you lost your mind!" Arnold angrily said.

"So? Trent's going to grow up anyway, so why should I have to go back and deal with that when I could last for an eternity at the museum?" Sherman asked, annoyed by this ordeal. Disgusted, some of the Hey Arnold! toys decided to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Goten demanded.

"I've had it being a collector's item. If there's one thing I know about toys, it's that they're meant to be played with!" Arnold then said.

"Yeah, c'mon, guys, let's bail!" Gerald angrily said.

"Fine! Go on! I don't need you, Wasonasong still needs the Roundup Collection, he doesn't care about your show!!" Goten angrily said. This is only proving Jimmy's friends point even further.

“See, Sherman, they're not collector's items, and neither are you. You’re a child’s plaything. You…….Are…..A TOY!” Jimmy said, raising his tone of voice. Ironic, since Sherman used those words to try to convince Jimmy he was just a toy during Jimmy's Deluded days.

“How much time do I have then?? You know what will happen if I get torn again?! I'm done for! Trent won't want me anymore!! And then what happens next, Huh? You tell me, Nerdtron!” Sherman said, panicking with a slight tone of anger.

Jimmy was surprised as he gasps in shock, he was deeply hurt by those words. He hasn't heard Sherman call him that since they were temporary lost toys. Angered, Jimmy did the unexpected, he angrily punches Sherman in the face, making everyone gasp.

“You know what, my Texas Accented Friend? Somewhere in that padded stuffing was the same toy who not only saved my life a year ago, but he taught me that life’s always worth living, only if you’re loved by a kid. And I traveled all the way here to save that toy because I believed him.” Jimmy then said. "And instead, all I found was a jerk who has forgotten what he truly was. And I told you, I hate it when people call me "Nerdtron". And calling me that, even when you promised to stop after you saved me, was too low."

“If that's the case, then you wasted your time.” Sherman angrily said, turning his back on his old friends.

"That's it?!" Mabel stepped up, startling Sherman. "We finally found you, and this is how you repay us? You don’t want to come back home with us?"

"Mabel, you don’t understand what I’m up against! What I’ve been through!" Sherman then said, sighing. "When I first met these guys, they told me everything, about toys and kids. And they were right. Kids are meant to grow up, and there's nothing we can do about it!"

"How could you say such a thing? Toys are meant to make children happy! You thought him that. And yet..." Mabel cried out as she advanced towards Sherman. " looked like you forgot. Are you turning your back on Trent like he’s nothing? On us?" She pointed to herself, her voice laced with a hint of anguish, "On me?"

Sherman talks back angrily, " Well, what about you? What if what happened to me, might happen to you? Trent’s already outgrown me the moment he ripped my arm." Sherman's voice starts to sound sad as he said, " I realize, now, that what you told me a few days ago got off on the wrong foot. Goten was right about him, about me. Trent doesn’t care about me anymore."

"There are OTHERS who care about you too, Sherman! You have us!" Mabel said as she thrusts out her hand to gesture to the group around her. "You can’t go wasting your life in a museum if you still have a family who misses you, who needs you, who CARES for you!"

"Mabel....." Sherman said, sadly as Mabel softened up a bit and put her hands around Sherman’s cheeks, trying her best to get through to him, to make him understand.

"Please, Sherman. We’re doing this because we care. Because we love you." Mabel then said, crying.

"I can't." Sherman sighed as he pushed Mabel’s hands away in sadness.

Unable to contain her grief any longer, Mabel ran away and disappeared into the open vent, her sobs echoing from the darkness.

Jimmy couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Sherman helped him accept being a toy was better than being a CIA Apprentice when he had to learn the hard way that he was just a toy, and now Jimmy’s in the other role, and Sherman isn’t even trying.

Jimmy then said in a stern tone, "When we first met and after a certain fiasco, you were a caring leader, you always put others in front of you, you were always there for the ones you love, no matter what, going as far to be willing to break and bend the rules to save me. And here I am, trying to help you, and this is the thanks I get? I thought you were mature than that, but it turns out I was wrong about you."

Sherman started to look like he said something he was starting to regret.

"Mabel really missed you. And now, you're making her lose faith in you again. A toy holds more value to a kid than an icon because it's better to be loved than to be remembered or admired. And it's sad you'll never be able to see that. Now if you excuse us, we’re heading back.” Jimmy then said, disgusted.

"What about Sherman?" SpongeBob asked.

"He's not coming." Jimmy said.

"But Trent will be home on Sunday night! He'll be disappointed that Sherman's not there." Toothless then said, concerned.

"Well, we better make sure that we're there for him." Jimmy said, feeling betrayed by Sherman.

Dejected, Jimmy and the others headed back to the vent to elevator. Jimmy was going to miss his friend, even if he did become inconsiderate.

"Don't worry, he'll come to his senses." Ford then said. 

Sherman cringed. When Mabel ran off into the vent, it was the same look she gave him when she thought Sherman did kill Jimmy resulting in Mabel losing faith in him before Sherman saved Jimmy and reinvigorated him. But now, it feels as if he's doing it all over again.

"I can't let these guys down, Jimmy, Cindy has been in storage for so long after being abandoned by Trent's cousin, and.... this is her last chance." Sherman said.

“And what chance would that be, Sherman Peabody?” asks an angry Jimmy. “Would it be for you and her to just be behind glass, watching kids go by for millenniums and never be loved again?" 

Sherman's expression goes from sadness to surprised shock. Sure, he'll last for decades in a museum, but it won't be the same.

"Well, that's some choice you've chose for yourselves.” Jimmy said, sternly. The vent was closed by Jimmy in an angry manner as he left.

"I---" Sherman said, but then he gave up, sadly walking away. 

Sherman feels like he's doing the right thing, but then again, the museum may be a chance for Sherman to live forever, but it will be a life cut off from most of the world. Generation may children may come to see him and love him, but only from afar, from the other side of the glass. No child will ever be able to touch Sherman, to hold him, to play with him ever again. They may look at him with wonder and even longing, but at the end of the day, they will leave and go home to play with and love their own toys. To put it short: Jimmy did have a point. Even though Sherman be adored by generations of kids, without a child's love, it's just…empty love.

"Good going, Sherman!" Goten said, happily. "I thought those idiots wouldn't leave." Then Sherman notices the TV versions of his friends playing a country song on the TV.

TV PS118 Boys: You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me

"Sherman?" Goten asks.

Sherman ignores him and walks towards the TV.

TV Arnold: You got troubles and I got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you

Meanwhile in the vent, Jimmy looked back but sighed and kept going. He was going to miss his friend, even if he isn't Sherman's friend anymore. Mabel tightened her fists and then stopped in her tracks.

TV Gerald: We stick together, we can see it through
'Cause you've got a friend in me
TV PS118 Boys: You've got a friend in me

Back in the apartment room, the TV version of Mr. Peabody walked over to TV Sherman and said, "You know, Sherman, you're a real hero for standing up to villains such as Preston. You do things that no one has dared to do. And I know I say "I have a deep regard for you", but it means...."

"What is it, Mr. Peabody?" TV Sherman asked.

Sherman decided to take a seat in front of the TV, and watch.

Mr. Peabody looked hesitant and then said, "I love you, Sherman."

As soon as TV Sherman heard those words, he then turned his exhausted face into a heartwarmed smile, for the first time in 7 years (8 Seasons); he finally heard his parental figure say the phrase "I love you". TV Sherman then replied, "I have deep regard for you as well, Mr. Peabody."

TV Stinky: Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger too

TV Sid the Snitch: Maybe

The TV dog father then smiled, the 2 finally embraced each other in a hug, this prompts Sherman to remember the good times he had with Trent, when the boy played with him. 

TV Arnold: But none of them
Will ever love you the way I do
It's me and you boy

He then looked at his shoe and scraped the paint off, the name "Trent" was still there. Unbeknownst to him, Mabel is at the vent grate watching this, grin.

TV Harold: And as the years go by
TV Sherman: Our friendship will never die

Sherman has never felt this foolish in his life, he let his fear of being abandoned get the best of him. He was so worried about becoming a disused and unplayable toy, he forgot the true purpose of being a toy: making a child happy. He taught Jimmy that when he had to learn the hard way he was just a toy, but this was different. Sherman wasn't deluded, he was letting his fears get the best of him. A toy holds more value to a kid than an icon because it's better to be loved than to be remembered or admired.

Penny understood how Sherman felt. Now, she doesn't want to go to Tokyo, she'd rather be with someone like Trent, who in fact cares deeply about his toys.

In a way, Sherman’s relationship with Trent is almost like that of a parent. As parents, many people often look at their child as they grow up, and can still remember just yesterday when they were still learning to talk, or riding their first bicycle. And like all parents, there will come a time where your child will become an adult, and leave you to pursue their own goals and dreams in life. But you can make the most of that childhood while you can. 

TV PS118 Boys: You're gonna see,
It's our destiny....

"What have I done?" Sherman sadly thought. Penny sat next to her new friend, they knew that being a museum piece means being behind glass, never to be truly loved. What good is having so many fans worship you if you don't feel a single strong connection to them? However, he's in a hopeless situation: it's either go to the museum or leave and have his new friends in storage, and Sherman doesn't have a choice here.

Or does he?

"Penny, are you thinking what everyone's thinking?" Sherman asked, now having a moment of realization.

"Yeah." Penny nodded.

"Jimmy! Guys! Wait!" Sherman called out, heading to the grate, which he opened.

"Sherman, where do you think you and Penny are going?!?" Goten demanded, caught off guard by this.

"Well, you know what, for a kid that's portrayed as an idiot on the show, you have a good point, Goten. Cindy couldn't keep Josse from growing up and I can't stop Trent from growing up, but I wouldn't miss it for the world! And I'm taking a few others with me!" Sherman said.

"What?! NO!" Goten gasped.

"Jimmy!!" Sherman excitedly called out.

Luckily, Jimmy was within hearing range. In fact, all of Trent's toys heard that, they all lightened up. Sherman opened the grate and happily looked at his friends.

"Yes?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes?" UB Jimmy asked.

"Change of plans! We're coming with you guys! Penny has to take care of something real quick!" Sherman then said, heading back to get the others.

Then, Sherman's friends cheered in excitement, especially Mabel, she knew that Sherman would come to his senses. 

"Way to go, Peabody." Jimmy said, relieved that Sherman came to his senses before it was too late.

"I told you, Mabel." Ford then said, happily.

"Well, that's one thing solved." Edmund said, happily and relieved. "But there's one thing missing."

"What's that?" Stinky asked.

"If Cindy didn't turn on the TV last night, then who did?" Edmund said, suspiciously.

Penny then walked over to Cindy and said, "You should come with me and Sherman."

Penny knew that if Sherman and she decide to go to Trent's home, the other toys would be in storage once again.

"What?!" Cindy asked in surprise.

"I know that Trent will play with all of us!!" Sherman then said. Sure, Trent will grow up, but Sherman will be played with before that time comes. 

"It sounds, nice, pud'n. But I don't know. I..." Cindy then said, worried that Trent would abandon her like her previous owner did.

"You would give anything to have one more day with someone like Josee, right?" Sherman asked. "C'mon, Cindy, this is what toys were meant to do, to make children happy, and there's a million Cindys that would agree with me, and there's still a part of you that knows that."

"Are on board with me, Gompers?" Sherman asked his goat. In excitement, Gompers licks Sherman's face, making him laugh. He knew he would count on Gompers wanting to go. "Okay, good boy! How about you, Goten?"

"Well, maybe if I try to get some advice from a good friend...." Penny walked over to Goten's box, however, they saw something surprising, nothing was in the Sayian toy's box. Sherman was curious about where he went off, but he was distracted by a loud metal clanging noise.

Sherman and Penny gasped at a shocking sight: A certain Saiyan Prospector Kid was closing the vent by using his plastic pickaxe to tighten the bolt to the point of not being unscrewed again!! 

"Goten?!" Penny asked in shock.

"You're out of your box!!" Sherman said, surprised about what's happening.

Goten sighs in annoyance as he finishes up tightening to the bolt.

"I've tried to be patient with you, Sherman. But I guess I have to take matters into my own matters..." Goten then said, walking towards the TV remote, turning off the TV with his foot while Jimmy was trying to get the bolt unstuck, along with the other Jimmy's help. 

Hearing that, he then remembered how Arnold and his friends were part of the Hey Arnold! toy set and Evan didn't say anything about a Hey Arnold display, there was room for one museum display!!! Sherman then thought about what he just said and what happened last night. Which could only mean one thing!!!!

"Wait a minute, You turned on the TV last night, not Cindy!" Sherman said, enraged. All this time, he thought Cindy was did this because of the thought of being back into storage drove her crazy, but Goten framed her for doing it! Crafty, but sneaky!

"Come on, let's not play the blame game, okay? We have a lifetime to spend in Tokyo together, first class for eternity, remember?" Goten then said, menacingly grinning before chuckling.

"So what's with the stupid grin then?" Sherman asked, angrily.

"Life's been good to me." Goten said as he heads back to his box, sinisterly grinning.

"Unbelievable! You really are a Stinker, aren't you?!" Edmund accused Goten.

"Are you insane?!" Cindy accused Goten. She couldn't believe that the person she could trust would do something like this to her. Even after what she's been through!

"Goten, why are you doing this?" Sherman angrily demanding as Goten ignored him.

"Prospector, this isn't fair!" Helga angrily said.

Goten glared at Helga and raised an eyebrow.

"FAIR?!" Goten shouted, angrily. "I'll tell what's not FAIR: Spending a lifetime on a CUB FOODS shelf, watching every other toy be sold!!! And being in storage for all those years only made things worse for me!!! Well, finally, my patience has paid off for the first time, I have a chance to be a somebody, and I won't let that go to waste! Especially if a Hand-Me-Down child sheriff doll and his blonde girlfriend are gonna try to mess it up for me now!"

"Jimmy!" Sherman yelped in horror. He ran to the grate. Sherman tried to get the grate open, but it was no use. "HELP! JIMMY! GUYS!"

"It's too late, Sherman! That silly Jerky Nerdtron can't help you now!" Goten satisfyingly said, getting his box back in the case.

"His name is Jimmy Neutron!" Sherman angrily said.

"Whatever! Those upstart Neutron toys always got my goat!" Goten then said, going inside the box.

"What should we do?! He's got this thing screwed in tight!" Ford then said, confused.

"Should I use my head again?" Toothless then said.

"Wait, you actually want to use your head again? The guy locked us out!" Helga then said, annoted.

Then, they heard footsteps it was Evan coming into his room, everyone (except for the toys in the vent) went back to their suitcases and went into toy mode.

Evan then walked in the room and was fallowed by Charles, Vinnie and Barry.

"Wow, you're gonna be a millionaire after this." Barry then said.

"It's going to be a surprise birthday gift for my dad! He's the manager of this town's Toy store, and prices will increase if this goes successful." Evan replied.

"You don't have to do any of this for your Dad." Charles then said, while he helped Reese with the suitcase by carrying it.

"It's my one chance to impress him, Chuck Downfield, to make him proud of me." Evan then said, leaving the room with his friends, however, his mother and father overheard him, then they had a concerned look on their faces.

This was no time to fool around, Jimmy and the other toys ran to the elevator, through the vent, now they have to save Sherman before it's too late.

"Oh, great! We gotta stop them before it's too late!!" Helga then said.

"If this fails, I'm going to kill you guys for this!" Gumball then said, angrily. Then, they heard a noise upfront as they ran.

"Does everyone hear that?" Helga asked.

Then, everyone looks at Harold, confused.

"It's not my stomach, if it was, it would be louder than you'd think." Harold then said.

Just as they arrived at the elevator, the toys freeze in their tracks and gasped as a certain someone stopped them. It was none other than Dark Danny.

"So, we meet again, Jimmy Neutron, for the last time." Dark Danny said.

"It's DARK DANNY!" Utility Belt Jimmy Neutron and Toothless shouted.

"Watch out, he's got stronger since the 1st level!" Toothless then said, terrified, then Utility Belt Jimmy Neutron and Dark Danny fought each other, trying to "blast" each other, or punch each other. The punching part was more effective, because all Dark Danny did was shoot plastic balls, and UB Jimmy dodged them.

"I'm going to make your friends suffer, Neutron," Dark Danny then said, "These friends you've had for years, I will take them all from you one by one."

"You're a monster, Dan, and I'm gonna stop you." Utility Belt Jimmy then said.

As the father and son enter the elevator, they hear some noise coming from above, they shrug it off and decide to ignore it.

Meanwhile, Jimmy and the other toys were trying to help Sherman and Penny escape. Toothless decided to help Utility Belt Jimmy, even though it's just a battle without lasers.

"Get on, NOW!!" exclaimed Jimmy as he slid down to the elevator. The others slid down while UB Jimmy kept fighting Dark Danny. Toothless stays where he's at in the tunnel, looking scared. He doesn't want to jump. It looks scary.

"The Emergency hatch! Come on!" said Jimmy, seeing the emergency hatch nearby. 

Toothless, meanwhile, hesitated, and then he finally jumped down........thanks to Wolfgang and Ludwig shoving him. He fell very fast until he painfully landed on Gumball, causing him to break into pieces. Dani sighed and proceeded to help Gumball get his parts back in.

Meanwhile, Dark Danny was looking for UB Jimmy, shooting like in that certain American Dad! episode. Seeing some metal bolts and screws nearby, UB Jimmy grabs them and begins throwing at the villain toy. Dark Danny blocks the attack but he gets hit by one. UB Jimmy hid to dodge and gets ready to open fire. To his surprise, Dark Danny seems to have disappeared.

"Huh?" UB Jimmy asked.

Suddenly, his question was answered as Dark Danny jumps from out of nowhere, grabbing him by the collar.

"It's worth a shot as long as we don't get caught!" Helga then said. She and Mabel then opened the hatch and noticed that Evan and his dad was still in the elevator, so it's not too late.

"But Jimmy's in peril!" Toothless exclaimed, referring to UB Jimmy.

"I'll do it!" SpongeBob then said, jumping into the elevator, with Soos and Gerald holding on to his legs, Sherman peeked out the bag, and noticed SpongeBob reaching for him, the 2 grabbed each other, but Evan's excitement got him jumping up and down for excitement, making it hard for the sponge to keep his grip on Sherman.

Meanwhile, Utility Belt Jimmy was still fighting Dark Danny. With Toothless scared to death.

"I told you what, Neutron, if you wouldn't by my knight, you'd be my pawn." Dark Danny then said, dodging a few punches and kicks.

"I see that you’re a man of your word." Utility Belt Jimmy then said.

"I am many things, Jimmy. You couldn't even to begin to imagine half of them. But for now, I will take the role of an executioner. A final gift, a fast death." Dark Danny then said.

Dark Danny then threw a punch, which Utility Belt Jimmy barely caught, and the boy punched the evil ghost action figure repeatedly. Then, Jimmy's fist was caught by Dark Danny, who was furious.

"You dare strike me?!" Dark Danny then said, crushing the boy's fists, causing him to kneel in pain, Dark Danny then said, "Surrender, Neutron, I already won."

But then, Utility Belt Jimmy punched him back, releasing his grip on the boy. 

"That's for Avery Bullock!" Utility Belt Jimmy then said.

"What?!" Dark Danny asked.

"The good hero you destroyed."

"How would I know one human's death would pain you so I would've killed more, and kill more I shall." Dark Danny said, knocking Jimmy down. "Carry that Agony with you to oblivion, Neutron."

"I'll never give up! You killed Daniel Fenton!" Jimmy angrily said.

"No, Jimmy. I am Danny Fenton!" Dark Danny said, menacingly.

In shock, UB Jimmy yelled, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" It can't be true! That's impossible! Well, in The Ultimate Enemy, Danny did fuse with Vlad's ghost half, so it is true.

Toothless ran to the commotion, and said pleadingly, "Jimmy, if you believed in yourself, you could've beaten Dark Danny all along!"

"Prepare to die!" Dark Danny grinned, menacingly.

"I can't look!" Toothless yelped, frightened. He then turned around, eyes shielded. However, his tail whacks Dark Danny, prompting Utility Belt Jimmy to take advantage of the situation, and punched him so hard, Dark Danny went backwards, stunned. UB Jimmy showed remorse. Helga rolled her eyes and walked over and tripped Dark Danny, making him lose his balance.

"I did it." Toothless said, hearing what happened, having a grin of realization. "I helped Jimmy defeat Dark Danny!"

"I'm sorry, Danny....." UB Jimmy said, in defeat, losing a friend, well, to him, he lost a friend.

"What idiots." Helga said to the viewer.

Well, that's taken care of, but they have to save Sherman, he and his new friends are heading to Japan, and worse, they don't wanna go! But Goten is forcing them to go!

Eventually, SpongeBob lost his grip on Sherman as Goten pulls him back in to the suitcase and all of Trent's toys fell into the elevator. Evan and his dad went through the automatic door, and it started to close, fortunately, Waddles ran for the door and the toy pig stopped it in its tracks, and then, the toys proceeded to pursue the kid and his dad!

The toys watched Evan and his dad made it to his car. They had to keep up with the Father and Son somehow.

"How are we supposed to save Sherman now?!" Mabel said.

"Anyone up for a Pizza?" Stinky asked, pointing to a Dave and Busters car, the toys went there.

"Jimmy! Aren't you coming?" Jimmy asked his counterpart, who was right near the parking lot of "Worthington's Toy Stadium".

"Sorry, but I gotta place this monster back where he belongs." Utility Belt Jimmy replied, dragging Dark Danny by the cape, and getting close to the entry.

"Farewell!" Jimmy said, right before the rest of the toys headed into the car, where they saw there was no driver, and not only that they saw 3 toys hanging from the mirror, they were none other than Ed, Edd n' Eddy.

"Hello, my name is Ed!" Ed greeted everyone.

"Hey! Can you get me down from here!" Eddy demanded.

"Eddy, be patient." Edd then said.

SpongeBob heads to the pedals, Toothless goes up to the dashboard to go out the window so he can navigate since Jimmy can't see from where he's at. The Boy Genius toy meanwhile grabs a stand so he can reach the wheel better. Gene messed with the knobs, causing the AC to blow onto SpongeBob, who waited near the pedals.

"The prick has a red light! Let's get them!" said Toothless as he sees the vehicle Evan is in stopping at a red light.

"Full power!"

SpongeBob hits the gas pedal in hopes to get the vehicle going. But the car stays where it is at even when the engine is roaring.

"Dear lord! The light, she turned green! Get going!" exclaimed Toothless, horrified.

"What's going on?" asked Jimmy worried.

"Use the wand of power." Ed suggested, pointing to a lever.

"Just use the gear lever." Eddy then said.

It is the gear lever actually, used to shift gears. 

Gerald pulls the lever, and surely enough, the car speeds up like mad as Toothless tries to hang on. The car hits some cones, and stuff falls from the glovebox as a result, it falls on Gene, much to his annoyance.

"Where is he going now?" asked Jimmy as the Boy Genius toy still can't see.

"Left!" shouted Toothless. He yelps as Jimmy swerves. "Right, I mean right!" The chase continues as Toothless kept an eye on the vehicle. "Right! No, I mean left! Left, right!" Soon Evan's vehicles turns left. "Left, he's turning left, LEFT!"

Jimmy quickly turns, making a very sharp left. Suddenly, the Eds yelled as the rope they are on broke, causing them to fall off the mirror and were about to be sending flying out the open window.

"Not good!" screamed the Eds, alarmed. Gumball runs over and grabs the rope, resulting in the three Ed toys dangling out the window close to their doom. "Whoa!"

"Heh, even Speed Racer couldn't get mileage this big." Gene said, amazed as he looks through a car manual.

"Man, you have no idea." Gerald then replied.

Toothless points to Evan's vehicle turning right saying, "He's going right! Right, right, right, right!"

As soon as Jimmy made a hard turn, the Eds were sent flying back into the car, technically making Gumball their hero for saving their lives.

"You have saved our lives! We're eternally grateful!" Edd then said, appreciated.

"No one is as cool as this guy!" Eddy then said.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Gumball said, not caring.

They managed to get to Logan International Airport, with some time to spare. But not before crashing into a vehichle.

"Well, whoever the owner of this car is, I hope he has Nationwide insurance." Stinky said. Then, he winked at the audience.

The group sees the father and son talking to an air attendant. They have to get to the suitcase, but how are they gonna get into the airport without being caught?

"We have to get in there somehow, but how are we going to do that?" Arnold asks.

Ford then finds the toys' chance. He exclaimed, "Bingo."

A person walks through the doors, which opens automatically. Suddenly, a pet cage seems to be moving on its own, or at least it's being moved by the toys who are hiding in it in order to sneak in.

"Cute! A puppy!" squealed a girl as she comes over and is about to lean in for a look.

Thinking quickly, Ed then begins to bark like mad, "Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark!" The girl yelps as she runs away. "Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark!"

"Nice one." Jimmy then said, nodding. But Gumball was within hearing range. The toys kept on going. As they go to where the case is at, Evan is in an argument with the attendant.

"I have very important things to be in that country, I don't want anything ruined. It's very important to me." yelled Evan, concerned. If someone happens to his collection, the deal is off.

"Yes, sir. No problem. We will take good care of it." said the attendant as he picks the case up and puts it on the conveyor belt. "Wait, aren't you a little young to be selling your collection?"

As Evan continues his argument, no one noticed a pet case getting on the conveyor belts. Inside the thing, the toys waited as the conveyor belt slowly takes them through the luggage hole.

Outside of the airport, Evan and his father were about ready to leave.

"Finally! We're that's taken care of!" Evan then said.

"Why did you do all this?" Mr. Worthington then said.

"What do you mean?" Evan replied.

"Why did you sell all your toys you've had for 3 years? Is someone bullying you?"

"No, I did it to help the family." Evan said, confusing his father. "Ever since Wal-Mart arrived in this town, I knew that it was a matter of time before Wal-Mart shuts down Worthington's Toy Stadium. I had to do something to help, while I was on a walk, trying to recover from that Lemonade Stand humiliation, I noticed at Public Storage, there was a bunch of toys from Nickelodeon, and I remembered 90's Nickelodeon. I decided to collect them, using my allowance to buy them out of storage. Then, I noticed how popular Nicktoons' Roundup was when my classmates told me about it. And when I was looking online, I learned in the news section that this museum in Japan has an opening. And I saved a 3 years worth of allowance to do this. I even went as far to steal a Sherman pull-string doll from a yard sale to complete my collection."

"Son, you didn't have to do all of this for me." The father then said. "Why did you went through all that trouble?"

"Because I wanted to save this business. Otherwise, we'd lose everything." The son then said, shedding a tear.

"Evan, I know you're worried about the future, but you don't have to worry, because we'll get through it together, if the store got closed I'll find a new job, just trust your dad." Mr. Worthington then said.

"Are you sure Dad?" Evan then said.

"Yeah. Your mother works hard at her job, and we won't lose our home, but there's nothing you could've done. I appreciate the concern, but we'll get through this rough patch together, as a family." Mr. Worthington said, assuredly patting his son on the back. "But that doesn't mean you're off the hook. We'll discuss your punishment later."

"Okay, dad." Evan then said. The car then drove off.

While Trent's toys are getting closer to Sherman, Penny is having second thoughts about being a museum piece, Sherman is excited about going to Japan, but deep down, he's only doing this to save his new friends from being in storage. And even if Jimmy and Trent's toys convince him to change and reconsider his thoughts about the museum, a certain Saiyan Child Prospector has other plans.
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